Sunday, 6 January 2013

Happy New Year My Lovelies

So I'd like to start to off by saying Happy New Year, and I hope you all have an amazing 2013. I would also like to apologise for my absence recently. I got to the point where I felt like I had to write a post and I wasn't particularly enjoying my blogging experience. So I decided to take a little break from the blogging world, until I had a sudden little urge to right a post, which is exactly what I'm having now, haha.

With it being my first post of the new year I thought I'd share my New Years resolutions with you. I haven't got as many as other people as I feel if I give myself too many I may not achieve them all by the end of the year I like to feel a sense of success and the end of the year. So here they are in all there wonderful glory...

Live A Healthier Lifestyle♡
By this I mean that, I'm not the healthiest of eaters. And I jump at the chance to eat a good ol' yummy snack. But luckily because I'm a very active girl, who does PE (physical education) at school every week, plus extra curricular clubs and stretches every night, I rarely put weight on.
So in light of the new year I want to eat more fruit and veg, and foods that are apart of a healthy balance diet, but also just carry on with my stretches that I carry out each evening.

Do More Things For Others♡
Before I go into this I don't want you all to think I'm a completely selfish person, I do actually help and do things for others, haha. But what I mean by this is help them more. For example if one of my friends were to ask me to go to the canteen with them, it generally isn't something that I want to do, however it's something they've asked from me, so I'll say yes and go with them.

Blog More♡
This is my final resolution and its one that I've seen from most bloggers. Generally speaking I really enjoy blogging and reading/viewing other people blogs and vlogs and its one thing that I will always do everyday whether its a weekday or a busy weekend. And I think that every now and then every blogger goes through a sudden stage where they don't know what to write about and their passion towards their blog just fizzles out a bit. Having been through this stage I feel like I've come back with a whole new box of ideas, and I just hope that they interest you all. I'm not gonna set myself a specific target, like twice a week, because I'd feel that with it being a busy year for me at school, with plenty of exams coming my way I won't achieve this target all the time. So instead I'll just say I'll blog often.

That's it from me for now. But I shall be blogging again soon. I hope you all have a good week.
Happy 2013!♡

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